Thorolf by Vanessa Brooks

Thorolf by Vanessa Brooks

Author:Vanessa Brooks [Brooks, Vanessa]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Vanessa Brooks
Published: 2019-10-28T16:00:00+00:00


He’d noticed the anxious looks Ailsa had cast his way when he’d spoken of the man who’d attacked him using a curved blade. Thorolf knew she suspected the man to be her first husband.

He’d read the fear in the man’s gaze the day he had fought him. Thorolf knew he had bested a coward. If the man was his wife’s previous husband, then perhaps he had abandoned Ailsa for another woman? What a fool! Thorolf snarled, if he ever saw him again he vowed he’d kill Irb. He would permit no man or woman to hurt or betray his little cat, Ailsa.

When Domnall, the tribe’s elderly chieftain, died, the people were sad, yet the Vikings secretly rejoiced because the old chieftain had named Brandr as his successor. The Norsemen already knew this would be the case, but this assured the rest of the tribe’s acceptance. The old man’s blessing meant something, and silenced anyone who might have considered rebellion against the Norsemen.

It was a good day for the Vikings, when Brandr and Bjorn were well enough to join their men. There was much mead drank to celebrate their return to health. Discussion centred on expectation over what would happen to the woman, Rhiannon. They had thought the jarl would punish her severely, but they were wrong. Astonishingly, Bjorn demanded the girl’s chastisement was his responsibility. The jarl granted his brother permission to decide her fate and left the problem in his brother’s capable hands. The women chattered excitedly over the turnabout, and although Thorolf did not catch Ailsa tattling, he was fairly certain that she, too, enjoyed gossiping, at least with her sister, about the change in situation.


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